Berth for Liquid Bulk at PortCastelló
Development of the work
The works required for the construction of the new berth are mainly the dredging for the execution of the sidewalk, the caissons that make up the pier, the mooring dock, the superstructure and backfill, as well as the connecting mound and the metallic pedestrian walkways that connect the central pontoon with each of the mooring dock.
The facility is suitable for use by liquid bulk carriers of between 5,000 and 45,000 dwt, with lengths ranging from 110 m to 210 m. The facility consists of a 66.8 m long and 17.25 m wide berthing and operating pontoon aligned with the first berth, and three piloted mooring platforms.
The concrete caissons have been prefabricated in the port of Tarragona and have already been unloaded at the south dock of PortCastelló. The transfer operation has been complex since they are prefabricated reinforced concrete caissons of 33.35 m overall length, 16.75 m beam and 16.50 m depth, each weighing 4,700 tons