Fatigue Analysis of Manipulators in the Assembly Plant

Calculate the working life by computer simulation

Development of the work

A new car model has been implemented in the Assembly Plant, and some installations have been modified or are new.

Static analysis, dynamic analysis and useful life estimation have been carried out for all the elements. This point is critical in those modified or relocated elements, whose actual cycles up to the present time directly affect their useful life.

All the facilities hang from the existing structure. The structural calculations of the existing steel have been audited to check if the calculations have been carried out taking into account the manipulators and all the existing elements around them.

In total there have been 43 dynamic calculations, affecting 61 different elements.

For these calculations, the following steps have been followed:


1.- Structural calculation audit:

For all the structures in which some installation has been installed/modified/relocated, it has been necessary a calculation memory where the new structural elements added to the existing structure and the existing structure itself have been analyzed. The new calculation memories must be audited to check if they correspond to the actual installations.


2.- For all the related manipulators, a Finite Element Analysis has been carried out, obtaining the following results:

Static analysis, considering Ultimate Limit State and Service Limit State.

Dynamic analysis, considering the usual working method and possible emergency situations.

Estimation of the Working Life.