Bridge over the Carraixet VV-6024

Road improvement between Moncada and Carraixet

Development of the work

The road VV-6024, which goes from Moncada (VV-6025) to VV-6021, in the section between Moncada and the Carraixet ravine, is one lane road of 3.25 metres wide and hard shoulders of 0.50 metres.

Due to the dangerous nature of the road, given the large amount of traffic it has to withstand during peak hours, the Road Area of the Provincial Council of Valencia has published the Technical Specifications which will govern the contracting of technical assistance for the design of the project «VV-6024 Moncada (VV-6025) to VV-6021. Conditioning of the route in the section Moncada-Barranco Carraixet.

The technical assistance for the design of the above-mentioned project was awarded by the Highways Area of the Provincial Council of Valencia to the consulting firm ARIN.

The main objective of the present project is the improvement of the layout of road VV-6024 in its section between Moncada and Barranco del Carraixet.