Juan Carlos I Industrial Park

First Industrial Park in Spain with "Just in Time" concept

Development of the work

It turned out to be the first Industrial Park with the «Just in Time» concept, in order to optimize the stocks and assemblies that reach the customer at the time of use. With almost 700,000 m2, a new industrial area, attached to the Ford Spain factory, to promote logistics and transport of automotive parts and promotion of the municipality where it was implemented, Almussafes (Valencia). All the work was carried out from planning to final commissioning, including logistical studies, geotechnical and topographical studies, design of installations and services,… Logistical reserve areas were implemented, both by air and by land, being a new concept for the time, to allow land transport with forklift trucks as well as elevated ones, using transport tunnels for parts.

Great works were carried out for the channeling of rainwater, when 2 ravines were intercepted, which required many studies and the implementation of viable solutions.

The site was equipped with additional equipment, unusual at the time, such as a telephone network for inter-company communication and industrial water (irrigation, fire-fighting, industrial), in addition to the classic equipment for low and medium voltage, drinking water, telephony, drainage, rainwater network and public lighting. Three bridges, a water treatment plant and many transformer stations were built on the estate itself.