Polyphilus Garden, Valencia

Polifilo's Dream

Development of the work

Evocative garden based on a book by Francesco Colonna from the 15th century, where Pholiphilo pursues the love of Polia through a dream landscape … For the concept and landscape design of the garden, an international ideas competition was held, where the prestigious studio of Carmen Añon (National Award for Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Property in 2017) was the winner, complementing ARIN for the design and implementation.


This is materialized in an immense garden of 40. 000m2, located in the city of Valencia itself, where the access gates are sculptures, and where already at the main gate, the Gate of Destiny, where you must choose between Gloria Dei, Gloria Dei or Mater Amoris, continuing through the Plaza de los Sentidos where the senses that are invoked in a garden are inscribed, the Sacred Mountain, the Island of Citerea, the Guardian of the Orchards (which is a nod to the pattern of orange groves in the area), …


The excellent choice of species, their integration and composition, is complemented by unique elements such as blue reinforced concrete, handmade terracotta tiles made as in the Arab era, printed concrete, overflowing fountains, … constitute a perfect composition for a comprehensive enjoyment that manages to make you forget you’re inside in a big city.