Regulation of Belcaire River surpluses

A 2 million m3 pond to recharge the aquifers

Development of the work

The water work contemplates the execution of a regulation pond with a capacity of two cubic hectometres. The works had an execution period of 17 months and allows the use of some two cubic hectometers of water per year thanks to the derivation and regulation of the flow of the river Belcaire and its recharge in the aquifers of the Vall d’Uixó, Moncofa and Almenara areas through an underground water pipeline.
Arin has developed the work of Technical Assistance to the Project Management and has carried out, among other functions:

  • Project Analysis
  • Work Programme analysis 
  • Quality Assurance Plan Analysis
  • Technical interpretation of the works
  • Control of the execution of the work, in accordance with the contractual documents signed between ACUAMED and the Contractor