2012-IND-AC-2012-001-EstudioAcustico Espai Cultural La Rambleta
Checking airborne sound insulation Sectors Industrial Engineering Services Development of the work In La Rambleta, a building intended for cultural space and concert hall and located in a residential area of Valencia, airborne noise insulation tests were carried out on the facade of the largest rehearsal room and ambient noise immission measurements were taken on […]
1995-038_Puente de Enlace Ford
The beauty of steel and colour Sectors Transportation Engineering Services Development of the work The developer, SEPIVA, wanted a unique bridge at the main entrance to its emblematic Juan Carlos I logistics park. As a result of a wide study of solutions and a range of construction possibilities, this spectacular metal bridge was chosen, with […]
2008-1900-103-Estación mercado-CPS linea T2 metro Valencia
Fighting against water in a historic surrounding Sectors Transportation Engineering Services Development of the work A work of great physical and technical complexity, located in the historical centre of the city of Valencia (Spain), with a National Historical and Artistic Monument such as the Church of the Santos Juanes (estimated to be of Christian origin […]
2004-005-DO Planta de clasificación de envases ligeros VAERSA
Infrastructures and Waste Management Sectors Cities Services Development of the work VAERSA began managing the light packaging sorting plants in 2000, coinciding with the implementation of the yellow container collection in the Valencian Community. ARIN has been in charge of the Works Management of the Light Packaging Sorting Plant in Picassent. The building is located […]
2006-1900-056-Planta de tratamiento MARPOL, Algeciras
Preventing pollution from ships Sectors Cities Services Development of the work The port service for the reception of ship-generated waste consists of the collection of ship-generated waste and, where appropriate, the storage, sorting and pre-treatment of such waste in the service area of the port and its transfer to a treatment facility authorized by the […]
2016-215-FDI_Plataforma acceso piezas EMS
A hybrid of a lifter and a safe working platform Sectors Building & Architecture Services Development of the work For the maintenance of a ramp integrated into the EMS (Electric Monorail System), a safe working platform was developed allowing, on one hand, guided access to the ramp area in three ramp positions, providing complete and […]
2018-292_PlayaViasFord_Diseño e implantación desvios mixtos
Three rails track junctions: improving the prototypes Sectors Building & Architecture Services Development of the work The implementation plan of the Mediterranean Corridor in international gauge has meant an enormous technological challenge to implement the Iberian and international gauges in the same track, from the compatibility of the route to the railway signalling, to allow […]
2006-1900-999-Instalación solar fotovoltaica en edificio de oficinas Mariano Benlliure Burjassot
17 kWp distributed among 90 solar panels Sectors Industrial Enginnering Services Development of the work On a surface of 1376 m² on the roof of a building, a photovoltaic solar installation is designed using 90 solar panels in a fixed position with a total peak power of 17.1 kWp. MSK QFJ 190-W and KYOCERA KC190GT […]
2005-033-Parque Solar Fotovoltaico, Sinarcas
318 kWp distributed among 52 solar trackers Sectors Industrial Engineering Services Development of the work At the initiative of the city council, as a promoter, together with 42 partners, this photovoltaic solar park was designed. The photovoltaic plant, located in the Valencian municipality of Sinarcas, occupies an area of 22,143 sqm and consists of 52 […]
2005-040-DO Pabellón Polideportivo de Sollana
Able to be used for the practice of several sports Sectors Building & Architecture Services Development of the work Sollana Town Council has commissioned ARIN to draw up a project that will serve as the basis for the construction of the «Municipal Sports Hall in Sollana (Valencia)». A pavilion is designed with a central court […]